Exploring Freedom of Expression
Activity for key stages three, four and five, enabling young people to explore the concept of freedom of expression and understand how rights must be balanced with responsibilities.
Who Do We Really Know?
Activity for key stage three, four and five, helping young people understand the dangers of stereotyping and recognise that we all have multi-layered identities and cannot be defined by one label.
What’s the Story?
Activity for key stage three, four and five, enabling young people to explore the dangers of misinformation including techniques to check the reliability of information.
Exploring Propaganda
Activity for key stage three, four and five, helping young people to explore propaganda, the different techniques used and how they work to persuade people.
Rocket to Mars
Activity for key stage two, helping young people understand the concept of stereotyping and recognise that we all have multi-layered identities and cannot be defined by one label.
Ahmed’s Story
Activity for key stage two, helping young people to understand the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination, and how to do this in their school.
Hats of Faith
Activity for Early Years and key stage one, enabling young people to explore different religions and cultures.
Thinking About Immigration
Activity for key stages three, four and five, providing young people the opportunity to explore immigration to tackle myths, clarify terminology and develop understanding.
This is Me!
Activity for key stage two, providing young people the opportunity to explore and celebrate their identities, whilst learning about nationality, religion and skin colour.
Whose Religion?
Activity for key stages two and three, exploring the similarities among various religions and recognising that individuals practice their faith in many different ways.