EqualiTeach delivers high-quality, interactive staff training on a wide range of equality, diversity and inclusion topics, and has adapted some key sessions into engaging e-learning courses.

See our available courses below or get in touch to discuss how we can develop a bespoke learning solution for your team.

graphic showing a tablet, laptop and a play button
Branded graphic showing four different CVs

Inclusive Recruitment

Approximately 1.5 hours to complete

Course Aims

  • Recognise the impact of language used in adverts, job descriptions and person specifications
  • Consider where and how to advertise positions to reach a diverse audience
  • Understand the different forms of unconscious bias and their impact in recruitment decisions
  • Develop skills which will help them to remain objective, recognise bias, and make decisions based on evidence at all points of the recruitment process
  • Understand their legal duties under the Equality Act 2010, including when and how to make reasonable adjustments and how to engage in effective positive action initiatives
illustration of two people talking and thinking, with a question mark

Challenging Microaggressions

Approximately 1 hour to complete

Course Aims

  • Recognise the impact of microaggressions on people’s feelings of safety and belonging
  • Explore what it means to be an effective ally, including how to effectively challenge microaggressions amongst both colleagues and students
  • Reflect on how to respond effectively if challenged on their own behaviour
  • Recognise the importance of creating an open climate to discuss issues of equality, diversity and inclusion as a staff team
  • Develop techniques to hold effective conversations on issues of equality and identity and learn and move forward together
graphic of books with a gavel on top

Understanding the Equality Act 2010

Course Aims

  • Understand prohibited behaviours under the Equality Act 2010 and what constitutes harassment, discrimination and victimisation
  • Recognise who is protected under each protected characteristic, and specific considerations for schools and young people
  • Understand the duties placed on schools by the Public Sector Equality Duty, including the requirement to set equality objectives and what constitutes positive action